Individuals at the Expert Level have the following skills:
Library Journal: Data Driven Libraries
This series of three, one-hour webcasts looks at some illustrative cases of how data-driven decisions can help libraries prove their value, better manage collections, and devise new services.
Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research: Introduction to Quantitative Software
This module explores the use of statistical software programs in analyzing quantitative data.
MIT Libraries:Write a Data Management Plan
This website describes the importance of having a data management plan and the steps needed to write a plan for any data collected during the research process.
MIT Libraries: Data Management Workshops
This website has slides and workshops available to knowledge and information about data management
Short tutorial videos, from the National Institutes of Health on protecting human subjects for both research and/or evaluation.
Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching: Quantitative Scales of Measurement
This module discusses the basics of measurement and scales of measurement commonly used in quantitative research.
This book outlines the steps to effectively write final reports on program evaluation methods in the social sciences.
This webpage outlines the various sections that should be included in any research and evaluation methods written report.
Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching: Sampling Methods for Quantitative Research
This module explores the use of sampling methods used in quantatitive research.
Statistics Canada: Power from Data
This webpage defines sampling, the various methods and how to apply it to social science research. It also provides the user with exercises to ensure there is a clear understanding at the end.