Individuals at the Geek Level have the following skills:
International Federation of Data Organizations: Data Preservation
This resource contains information on the basis of digital data preservation along with links to further resources.
Digital Curation Centre: Why Preserve Digital Data?
This resource has info on the what and why of digital curation and preserving digital data.
Society of American Archivists: Fundamentals of Research Data Curation
This webinar discusses planning research data curation and will help librarians and archivists who need to make decisions re: selecting data curation tools and services among other topics.
Council on Library and Information Resources: What is Data Curation?
This is a helpful guide that explains data curation and covers initiatives by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) on collaborations in data curation.
Online Computer Library Center: Role of Libraries in Data Curation
Resource on data management programs in research libraries and some of the principles may also apply to public libraries.
Library Research Service: Library User Survey Templates & How-Tos
Resource that contains the template of three different types of surveys that can be use to learn more about library patron usage and satisfaction with libraries.
Library Journal: Outcomes, Impacts and Indicators
This article presents the finding of a study (Impact Study) conducted University of Washington’s iSchool about collecting data and measuring outcomes to determine the impact a public library has on its users.
Using Statistics to Increase Public Library Budgets
(Paid training- depending on library subscription)
This article deals with using library statistics to increase public library budgets and it provides guidance on deciding which kind of data are relevant to a specific argument.
EdX: Identifying community Needs for Public Library Management
This webinar covers strategies for gathering statistic and descriptive data about public library communities.