Individuals at the Geek Level have the following skills:
Pixlr Editor is a free image editor that runs in a web browser and may serve as an alternative to Adobe Photoshop. The Pixlr Blog contains basic tutorials on simple image editing, including how to use the lasso tool, create layers, and adjust colors.
These video tutorials teach the basics of creating vector art in Adobe Illustrator. While the tutorials are free, Adobe Illustrator requires a subscription.
Khan Academy: Statistics and Probability
Learn the fundamentals of data science and statistics through this Khan Academy series.
Data Visualization for the Rest of Us: A Beginner’s Guide
This free WebJunction webinar provides simple methods for creating data visualizations for library statistics.
Data Visualization: Designing a Visualization
This section of Duke University’s Data Visualization LibGuide compiles useful resources for choosing appropriate visualizations for data sets, including a data visualization catalogue.
Data Visualization: Helpful Tools and Tutorials
This Duke University LibGuide section compiles curated lists of tools for creating impactful data visualizations.
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data
Though framed from an economist standpoint, this Journal of Economic Perspectives article by Jonathan A. Schwabish provides a good overview of data visualization and different presentation strategies.
Data Visualization: Storytelling
Learn how to create a narrative structure for data and maximize the effectiveness of your communication in this webinar.
This Tableau Whitepaper discusses why people tell stories and the importance of data to impactful storytelling.
Measure Your Impact: Getting Started with Outcome-Based Evaluations
This free WebJunction webinar discusses how to measure and evaluate the effects of library programs, resources, and services on a community.
Measures that Matter, Part 1-3
This free three-part WebJunction webinar series discusses the current state of public library data, various sampling methods, and meaningful measures for the future.
Learn how to explore data and configure charts and tables with Google Data Studio.