Individuals at the Geek Level have the following skills:
Learn about the following data management concepts: planning, description, storage, archiving, publishing, sharing and visibility.
Learn how the Public Library Association’s Project Outcome can be used to help libraries measure programs across seven common outcome service areas.
Developing Truly Effective Performance Evaluations
Learn about performance reviews; evaluation tools and methods; and learn about different methods of evaluating traditional and non-traditional work in this Public Library Association webinar.
Learn about project management and how to evaluate staff and institutional capacities to manage a project in this WebJunction webinar.
Using a Logic Model Framework for Program Planning and Evaluation
This webinar gives an overview of how the logic model is beneficial for program planning and evaluation.
Using Project Outcome Data to Improve & Support Library Programming
Learn about how Project Outcome toolkit can be used to improve and support library programming.
Working with Partners: How to Plan for Collaborative Outcome Measurement
This Public Library Association webinar focuses on how to plan for collaborative outcome measurement with library partners.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Library Surveys
This online resource explores how to effectively conduct a library survey and how to evaluate survey results.
This online resource gives alternatives to survey software similar to SurveyMonkey.
How to Develop Outcome Measures & Design Effective Surveys
This Public Library Association webinar explores how to develop outcome measures and design effective surveys for your library.
This online resource has data on the yearly Public Library Survey conducted by the IMLS (Institute of Museums and Library Services).
Question Design and Surveys Sampling
This online resource is a guide designed to introduce individuals to questionnaire design and survey sampling.
This online resource gives in-depth information to the different parts of designing surveys and questionnaires ranging from: research methods to question wording.
The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Public Library Surveys
This online resource is a great reference guide for understanding the who, what, when, where and why of public library surveys.
Writing Better Survey Questions
Learn how to word your survey questions more clearly with this online resource from the United States Department of Labor.
American FactFinder Virtual Tour
This webinar explores how to use the American FactFinder tool, which can help benefit libraries in getting and preparing data for evaluation of services.
Data on a Deadline: Quick Data Access Tools and Reports
This webinar explores different data tools and reports that can be pulled from the US Census Bureau. Link to full webinar.
This resource explores how Edge, Project Outcome, and Impact Survey can be used to make strategic decisions for services provided in your library.
Searching for Geographies Tutorial
This webinar illustrates how to use the American FactFinder “Searching for Geographies in Advanced Search.” This tutorial is helpful in preparing data for library evaluation.
Shaping Outcomes: Trends, Activities & Services, and Outcomes
This online course will walk through how plan, build, evaluate and report program outcomes.