Individuals at the Expert Level have the following skills:
Learn how to display live data and create custom reports with Google Charts.
Learn how to create interactive data visualizations with HTML, SVG, and CSS using the JavaScript library D3.js.
Advanced knowledge of presentation software (PowerPoint)
This webinar teaches users to create engaging data-driven presentations using PowerPoint and Excel.
This free Codeacademy course teaches Structured Query Language (SQL), a standard language used in database management.
Harvard Online Learning: Data Science
Learn about data wrangling, linear regression, inference & modeling, and other advanced data science topics in this series of free Harvard Online Learning courses.
Illustrator Tutorials: Experienced
Learn advanced image editing techniques to create compelling vector graphics in Adobe Illustrator. While the tutorials are free, Adobe Illustrator requires a subscription.
This free DataCamp course teaches the fundamentals of R, a scripting language used in data visualization.
Learn the basics of the scripting language R in this webinar.
This free Codeacademy course teaches the fundamentals of Python, a scripting language used in data visualization.
Learn the basics of the scripting language Python in this webinar.
Learning the JavaScript Language
Learn the basics of the scripting language JavaScript in this webinar.