Individuals at the Expert Level have the following skills:
Libraries as Drivers of Community Development: Global Edition
Understanding community development can be helpful in understanding how to plan for data collection. This webinar explores how grassroots approaches to library-driven community development is being applied globally.
Emerging Resource Types Part 2: Equipment that Supports the Present and the Future
**NOTE: Slides are free, webinar recording is a paid item.**
This NISO webinar explores the basics of data curation.
Research Data Management Best Practices and REDCap
This Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar explores how REDCap can be used to support research data management needs of your library.
Privacy Implications of Research Data: A NISO Symposium
** NOTE: Slides are free, webinar recording is a paid item.**
This NISO webinar explores the privacy implications that are tied into research data. Learn about security, privacy, and trust and how it applies to research data.
The Data Life Cycle and the Landscape of Library-led Services
This Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar explores the data life cycle and how research data management applies to libraries.
Two Part Webinar: Using Analytics to Extract Value from the Library’s Data
**NOTE: Slides are free, webinar recording is a paid item.**
This NISO webinar explores how analytics can be used to extract value from the library’s data.
Understanding Privacy, Part One: What Data is Being Collected and by Whom?
**NOTE: Slides are free, webinar recording is a paid item.**
This NISO webinar explores what data is being collected about user behavior, the purpose of this data collection, and the privacy implications that go into collecting this data.
Two Part Webinar: Understanding Privacy
**NOTE: Slides are free, webinar recording is a paid item.**
This NISO webinar explores privacy policies and how it applies to data that is collected and explains the legal terminology surrounding these policies.
Library P.I.: Process Improvement Library-Style
Learn about library Process Improvement (P.I.) and how to organize the work and projects that you have at your library in this Infopeople webinar.
Research Institute for Public Libraries
This institute is designed to help libraries design outcome-based evaluation of programs and services through skills like data planning, data management, and more.