Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 2:00-3:00 Eastern/11:00-12:00 Pacific
Presenters: Katina Jones, Statistical Research Analyst at Mid-Continent Public Library and Lindsay Hanson, Data Analysis Librarian at Sno-Isle Libraries
As libraries become increasingly data-driven the need for useable data also expands. The process of determining what data is needed to answer a question and translating that into actionable information is complicated and has many potential pitfalls. Learn how Sno-Isle Libraries and Mid-Continent Public Library are navigating this process to create and share visualizations to inform decisions. Attendees will learn best practices for the process of turning raw data into visualizations and how to tailor them for their intended audience.
Katina Jones is the Statistical Research Analyst at Mid-Continent Public Library. She gets to spend most of her time examining statistics, demographics, and program survey results from the Library’s 35 locations to support their data-driven decision making. Prior to MCPL, she was the State Data Coordinator at the Missouri State Library, working with the IMLS and Census Bureau to collect and distribute statistics for the state. Ms. Jones received her bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology and Social Science from Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Lindsay Hanson is the Data Analysis Librarian at Sno-Isle Libraries, where she is responsible for managing data, evaluating public services and providing data visualizations and analyses to inform decisions. She believes that a culture of evidence-based decision making is the key to improving the efficacy of organizations and increasing the potential for community impact.
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