Breakout: Diagnosing Library Process Problems Using Maps and Metrics

14 Dec 2020
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm MT

Breakout: Diagnosing Library Process Problems Using Maps and Metrics

Starts @ 11:45 am PT  |  12:45 pm MT  |  1:45 pm CT  |  2:45 pm ET

You have long suspected that there must be a better way for your processes to work. The good news is, you’re right, and it’s called Lean. Lean is “a way to do more with less – less human effort, less equipment, less time and less space – while coming closer to providing exactly what the customers want” (J.P. Womack). Experts estimate that the typical process is 85% waste, the performance of unnecessary work.

In the pre-event recorded lesson, you will hear impressive stories of how Lean transformed three library processes, from program scheduling to material processing to processing donated items. You will be introduced to some basic principles of Lean and to the use of flowcharts to better understand your process.


In the live session, we will fully explore eight types of waste and learn how to calculate key process performance metrics. At the end of the live session, you will know how to map a process and how to use that map to identify what is causing inefficiencies. In short, you will have a diagnosis!


Now that you have diagnosed the problem, learn how to fix it by attending the breakout session “A Prescription for Achieving Faster, Better, and Cheaper Library Processes” on Tuesday at 3:15 ET/12:15 PT.

Using data for management, planning, & communication