Breakout: Using Data to Communicate with Stakeholders

03 Oct 2016
10:15 am-11:45 am
Conference Room A

Breakout: Using Data to Communicate with Stakeholders

At Brampton Library, we’ve been focusing on the two most important stakeholder groups: Staff and Board. Although these stakeholders have different ‘lenses’ through which they view and (hopefully) use data, there is one common goal of meaningful data driving discussions, decisions, strategies and solutions. Using a two-pronged yet aligned approach we’ve been renaming and reframing data in ways to engage staff in gathering, managing and discussing statistics and program outcomes, and to deepen the Board’s understanding of the Library as a community contributor.  During the session participants will try out our tactic of creating granular Branch Dashboards for the Staff stakeholders and strategic infographics for the Board stakeholders to see what may apply for their specific situations.  Our approach is based on 3 key questions: What? So What? Now What? blended with considerable humour – and humor.